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Straight Jackets Not Required For Admission

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The News...

There isn't any real big news.  This heat wave has kept us laying low.  I know... it's only been two days of heat but my little Moon Beam isn't used to it.  Today we are in the house, but she is not a happy camper.

This week marks her third month of life!  She is amazing.  I love to look back and see the changes.  I love to watch every day as her smile gets bigger and bigger.  New things catch her attention and her personality develops more and more every day.  She eats more... we actually even got her 8 oz bottles!  It's so different giving her a big bottle rather than a small 4 oz bottle.

Not much else to report.  But here are some pictures.

Monday, August 16, 2010

She Is Getting So Big!

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours going through my little Moon Beam's dresser.  I had to get rid of all her Newborn outfits because they don't fit her anymore.  It broke my heart.  I sat there and carefully folded her outfits one by one and placed them nicely in a shopping bag wondering where they would end up.  I could take them to Goodwill, or I could try to sell them at a second hand store.  They are totally clean since every time she spits up or gets dirty I change her right away.  I hate dirty clothes!  I thought about calling my OB today and seeing if she has any patients that are having girls that maybe don't have family or money to buy cute clothes. 

I told Hubby that I was going to keep one outfit from each stage.  So already I have her preemie outfit as well as an outfit from her NB stage.  Next I will be pulling out a 0-3 month outfit and then a 3-6 month outfit!!!!  Where has the time gone?  I have been looking back at pictures from right after her birth and comparing them to pictures of her now.  She was so small.  So fragile back then... but now she is tough.  She has pudgy arms and legs.  She holds on to me when I hug her.  Not intentionally, but I don't think her little arms have anywhere to go except around my neck. 

What's next?  Kindergarten?  High School?  Her first kiss?  How do I make time stop?  This is all going by way too fast!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Dr's Visits and Worry...

My little Moon Beam had her two month check up today.  She weighed 10.5 pounds... she is getting so big.  The Dr. was very pleased with her progress and told me that we are doing a great job.  She asked if I had any questions... and the only question that I did have was about whooping cough.  I have been vaccinated as well as Hubby and my Mom... but there are plenty of people who are around her from time to time who have not been vaccinated.  What the Dr. told me is scary.  Children have no symptoms at times.  They seem to be fine and then suddenly they stop breathing.  The only way to protect them is to vaccinate them.  The commercial that is out makes you think that the child has a horrible cough... but that is not always true.

Moon Beam got the vaccination today but it takes a while to take hold. 

The Dr's office loved her.  When I say the office, I mean it... the entire office loved her.  People came in the room when I was there with her alone to look at her and ask questions.  The nurse who gave her the shots took her out of the room and introduced her to the other women in the office, then she came back and fed her.  Other nurses stopped by to look at her clothes and shoes and her hair and eyes... just everything about her.  They absolutely loved her.  They said she has an old soul.  She has such serious looks, but when she smiles... she completely lights up the room.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I Love You To The Moon And Back

I have always been in love with the moon.  I remember as a child sitting in the back of my Grandfather's station wagon with the rear facing seats... I would watch the moon as we drove and feel like it was following us.  I talked about the man in the moon and I made wishes on full moons.  I love the moon.  Then after I graduated high school, I discovered the book, "I Love You This Much".  It's about a Mom rabbit and a baby rabbit and they are discussing how much they love each other. 

Hubby bought me a charm for my necklace that has my Moon Beam's name and birthday on it along with a charm that says "I love you to the moon and back".  I love it so much.  I look at my little Moon Beam and I never knew that there could be this much love.  She is so amazing.  Her smiles make my day and when she is sleeping, although sometimes it's a nice break... I usually can't wait until she wakes up so I can see her smile. 

My sweet Moon Beam, I love you to the moon and back.  You too Hubby!  :-)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I am working on losing the baby weight.  It's not easy but I want my old body back.  Ok, really I want a better body than I had but I would settle for something that closely resembles the body that I had.

Once a week, Hubby and I work out with a trainer.  To me he is a trainer, to Hubby, he is someone that he pays so that he can flip him off and say mean things to him.  They are so funny.  Anyhoo - week before last I over did it.  It was horrible.  I could barely lift up my little Moon Beam.  The worst part was my legs.  I couldn't walk right.  My thighs felt like pulled pork, my abs felt like someone had beat me with a hammer... I was a mess.  We didn't go last week but it was because we were exhausted from me being at the shop all week and missing our Moon Beam.  Family time still beats out losing weight.

This week I am back on track.  I am determined to get in shape.  I had a great work out last night and tonight, Hubby and I are going to stop at the 24 hour fitness super sport to get a membership.  I will go a couple times a week plus still work out with the trainer once a week.  In addition to that... I need to start watching what I eat.  This does not excite me.  I like food.  I like food that isn't necessarily good for me.  I don't eat junk... but I eat larger portions than I should.  I indulge in things like fried foods or mac and cheese every once in a while... but mostly I like chicken or pork or steak with a starch.  No real fruits or veggies.  I know... not healthy... but I will not eat something that I don't like. 

So here is the start.  I am not going to tell you how much I weigh... but I will tell you that I need to lose at least 40 lbs.  This is my goal.  If I were to be completely happy... I could lose 50, but I just don't think that I have the stick-to-it-ness that is required to lose 50 lbs!!!!  So today I start keeping track.  August 4 - 40 lbs to go.  At the very least, I would like to lose 2 pant sizes.  Let's see where I can get.  In November I need to be in a bathing suit.  Let the games begin!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Wife Happy Life

I think that when people say "Happy Wife Happy Life" they are thinking about the happiness of the husband.  I think it makes every one's life happier.  I made the decision this week that I was going to let go of all the negativity that I normally carry around with me.  All the "poor me" crap... all the anger at bad drivers, mean people and those who have done me wrong.  I was going to let go of all the stress of bills and guilt and pressures of life.  I would still deal with them, but I made the choice to just accept them for what they were and not dwell on them and not let them run my life.  It's only Thursday morning, but I have to say that it's worked out well.

This has been a tough week for me.  I am helping Hubby at his shop while his business partner is on vacation and my family is being very helpful and watching out little Moon Beam.  I LOVE that my family is willing and able to watch her but they spoil her terribly... as much as you can spoil a two month old.  They hold her all day long and when she isn't relaxing in their arms quietly sucking her bottle, she is sleeping and drooling on shoulders kept warm by their body heat.  This makes me very happy because I know that she is being cared for, but at night... she is wide awake and wants to be held.  Moon Beam not sleeping means Mommy not sleeping.  Daddy sleeps though.  He would sleep if a plane crashed into our house.  He would wake in the morning to find the wreckage and wonder what the hell happened. 

In addition to all that, I don't know Hubby's business very well.  I am still learning so things in the shop can get very stressful.  I don't always know how to find prices and I don't always know how to help customers and the customers... well they are not always so nice.  I haven't had time to clean the house, do laundry or any of the other things that need to get done.  This would normally make me feel guilty and upset. 

Just by telling myself that it is what it is has made me feel better.  I had one small melt down this week but looking at the big picture... that isn't that bad.  I am realizing that life is what we make it.  Bad things happen to everyone and there isn't one person on this earth who doesn't have problems.  Maybe they have plenty of money, but they don't ever feel truly loved.  Maybe they have a wonderful family, but don't have the money to properly support them.  Maybe they have a beautiful house, but no friends to invite over.  Everyone has problems and issues and things that get them down, but we are the ones who can change it for ourselves.  No one is going to ride in on a white horse and make everything better.  We must do it for ourselves.  Stop feeling sorry for ourselves.  Stop over dramatizing our lives.  Stop talking behind peoples backs. 

This week, Hubby has appreciated the help that I am giving him in the office and at home he appreciates the fact that I am holding it together even though I am absolutely exhausted.  He appreciates that I take care of our little Moon Beam and that she is a healthy well adjusted two month old.  He appreciates that I have been letting him cook and that I have been keeping a smile on my face even at 6:00 AM with 2 hours sleep and a chest full of baby barf.  Because I am not losing it, he is happy and in return... I am happy.

Happy wife happy life?  I think it's for everyone.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Moon Beam

There is nothing in the world like a baby... especially if you gave birth to it.  :-)  These are some pictures of my Moon Beam.  She is 2 months old and amazing us every day.  We are so blessed to have her in our lives.